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Available Online

Small Circle with Channeled Insights & Q/A

Service Description

This is an intimate space held by Vaz to raise your vibration and share channeled soul wisdom releveant to your individual journey. These sessions create a powerful healing vibration due to the nature of where Vaz draws the information from. Experience it silently or interactively. With a maximum of 4 participants per group, this allows for a sacred space of authenticity, heart opening, soul alignment and healing. Vaz will begin by sharing channeled insights relevant to the specific group's energy. Followed by Q&A by each of those who attend who may have themes running in their lives. Vaz works powerfully with groups as he harnesses the group energy field to accelerate what are known as 'group themes' - synchronistic themes we share when we come together. Allowing for a more rapid release and transformation, These sessions may be experienced as a drop in, now and then, or continuous. They will each run once they are full, with more on offer if there is demand. Each session closes with a gentle distant healing to rebalance your system.

1 h 15 min
55 British pounds

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel your session upto 48 hours before it begins. You can reschedule your session - once only - upto 24 hours before the session begins. To reschedule please look at the calendar for another suitable date and contact this email to be rebooked in. Email: Please note there are no refunds within 48 hours of the session.

Contact Details

30 Orange Street, London, UK

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